Planning Permission When Installing A Satellite Dish

Planning Permission When Installing A Satellite Dish

2 Comments6 November 2013  |  Ashley

The majority of householders who enjoy satellite television are well aware of the benefits that their satellite dish brings. However, before buying or installing a satellite dish you should make sure you have sought the necessary planning permission first. So what do you need to know about planning permission for a satellite dish?

Satellite Dish Planning Permission

Obtaining the correct permissions should be your first consideration when contemplating having a satellite dish installed.

If you are currently renting a property, be sure to seek your landlord’s approval before going ahead.

If you own or rent a listed building, you may be restricted in where you can place your satellite dish, and in some areas, you may not be allowed to install one at all. You will be considered responsible for the placement of the dish, so to avoid any penalty or indemnity by your local council, ensure you seek approval from your local planning office.

General permission to install satellite dishes for residential properties is allowed according to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order. However, permission depends on the area and the type of house you live in. Buildings are split into four categories, which are:

  • Houses/ buildings up to 15 meters high
  • Houses / buildings in restricted areas that are up to 15 meters high
  • Buildings with a height in excess of 15 meters.
  • Buildings in restricted areas with a height in excess of 15 meters

Satellite Dish Planning Permission According To House Type

As you’ve seen above, there are four categories of houses which have different planning permission boundaries. Let’s take a look at these four categories in more detail.

  • Houses/ buildings up to 15 meters high- If your house or building is not in a restricted area you won’t need to apply for permission, providing that you do not exceed more than two satellite dishes on your property. Your dish can be attached to the chimney, roof, back or front of the house or in the garden. If only one satellite dish is to be installed, it should not exceed 100 centimetres in size. If you plan on having two satellite dishes, you must make sure that the first is no bigger than 100 centimetres and the second should be no larger than 60 centimetres, either in height or width.
  • Houses / buildings in restricted areas that are up to 15 meters high- If your property is in a designated area, similar restrictions apply as for the category above, however, there is an additional rule which says that a satellite dish shouldn’t be installed on any part of the house which would make it visible from the road.
  • Buildings with a height in excess of 15 meters– Assuming that your building is not in a designated area, planning permission is not necessary unless you anticipate having more than four satellite dishes on the building. No dish may have a diameter larger than 130 centimetres.
  • Buildings in restricted areas with a height in excess of 15 meters- All buildings taller than 15 metres, regardless of whether or not they are in a restricted area, must not have a satellite dish with a diameter exceeding 130 centimetres.

If you would like to know more about planning permission for a particular area or house, Systemsat experts will be more than happy to advise you.

For more information please contact us

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